
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lisabet's May News

Lusty month of may
The lusty month of May!

Welcome to my May Newsletter! I've always loved May - "that gorgeous month when everyone goes blissfully astray", in the words of Lerner and Loewe. Believe me, I've got plenty of lusty and loving fiction for you this month.
New and Upcoming Releases

So I have two releases since my last newsletter, and two more coming up within the next two weeks.

Witches Cover

The Eyes of Bast, available now from Totally Bound, is a shifter romance with a twist. It features a determined heroine, a devastatingly gorgeous hero, and a villain whom you'll love to hate, but end up pitying. Read an excerpt here. You'll find lots of other delicious bits at my blog and scattered around the cybersphere at the blogs of my fellow authors, who have been fabulous in helping me get the word out. Check out, for instance, my post Channeling the Cat", over at Cheyenne Blue's site. Or why not just give in and buy a copy?

DS Duos 4 Cover

Also out now is the fourth volume in my D&S Duos series, which despite the title actually includes three stories: "Like Riding a Bicycle", about a long married couple rediscovering their BDSM roots; "Limbo", a tale of intense connection, beyond space and time; and a bonus story, "Blind Obedience". Get yourself a copy of this deliciously kinky nugget here.

Meanwhile I have two very different short story collections, both in the 30K word range, coming in the next two weeks. Her Own Devices contains nine succulent and sensitive tales of love and lust between women. (Read an excerpt from one of the stories here.) I don't have the final cover yet, but I am expecting it any day.

I've also put together a collection of dark paranormal erotica entitled Fourth World: Erotic tales of monsters, myths and magic. Two of the seven stories in this book are previously unpublished. Warning: none of the stories in this book has an unambiguously happy ending. What they do have is heat and emotional intensity -- in excess.

Fourth World Cover

I should also mention that The Gonzo Collection by Daddy X (and edited by me) is available now in ebook and print at all the usual spots.

Gonzo Collection Cover

These edgy stories will not be to everyone's taste, but personally I love Daddy's fresh voice and wild imagination.
Free Reading and Other News

I added a new "romance" to my free reading page, entitled "Myonphobia". Don't take it too seriously. I've also got an old poem about the complexities of love, entitled "404 E. Spruce Street".

You know, sometimes we authors wonder if there's anyone out there. I have more than fifty free stories and poems on my website. Have you read any of them? Next time you're looking for a bit of love or lust, why not visit? Then send me an email (lisabet [at] lisabetsarai [dot] com) to tell me what you read, and what you thought about it. In return I will send you a free ebook from my back list.

I'm doing my newsletter early this month because in less than two weeks I am headed to Europe for ten days. Part of my trip is business unrelated to my writing. However, I'll also be attending the fabulous Smut By The Sea event in Scarborough on 23 May. I'll be reading sexy stuff, signing autographs and giving books away. If you're in the UK, you might think about attending. Regular tickets are free!. Just click on the logo below to go to the official site for more information.

The best way to stay informed about all my releases, contests and events is to join my VIP email list. Just send an email to lisabet [at] lisabetsarai [dot] com. Every month I run an exclusive contest for my VIP readers. For my May giveaway--well, it's early in the month, so I haven't yet figured out what I'm going to use as a prize. Maybe a lingerie gift certificate. Or a custom story... You'll never know unless you join...!

Lisabet's Pick of the Month

My May pick of the month is Emily L. Byrne's blog. Emily is an alter-ego of talented author Catherine Lundoff. Emily writes lesbian fiction, and most of her guests focus on that genre. Expect intelligent and insightful posts about sex, love and writing, as well as scalding excerpts. Highly recommended!

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