
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Answer my question - win a prize!

It's Tuesday at Beyond Romance, and I don't have any guest or burning issue to discuss. So instead, I'll ask you a question.

How often do you drop by this blog without getting a reminder,  just to see what is going on?

Leave your answer in a comment and I'll put you into a drawing for a $5 Totally Bound gift voucher.

Of course, I'm not announcing this... so if I don't get many comments, that will answer my question, won't it?

Have a great day! (Here's a bit of eye candy to help!)


Debby said...

I have this blog on Bloglovin and drop by when I see something interesting.
debby236 at gmail dot com

Colleen C. said...

I actually stop by everyday... you are on my favorites list... just do not comment all of the time.
Nice eye candy! ;)

Anonymous said...

An occasional visitor :) Love the eye candy!

Annabeth Leong said...

Couple times a week (varies depending on how busy I am during the day, but that's probably a fair average).

H.B. said...

I'm part of your email notification so I just usually read the posts through email and when i see something that catches my eye I come directly to the blog.

H.B. said...

I meant email newsletter, lol not notification.

Jana Leah B said...

I need the email newsletter reminders. Thanks for the giveaway.

Fiona McGier said...

I don't visit the site until you send an e-mail notification that you have a new posting. Then I come here to comment. But I work a couple of jobs and have a family, so my time for writing is scarce indeed. Spending time keeping up with my email sites and connections takes a lot of time. But I feel it's worth it...who needs sleep? ;-D

Anonymous said...

I usually go on because of an e-mail notification, though sometimes a post on another site (BlisseKiss, Goddess Fish Promotions) will make me think of it...

Trix, vitajex(at)Aol(Dot)com

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