
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lisabet's August News

Coming Together with a Twist Cover
New and Upcoming Releases
I'm still trying to catch my breath after my promotional frenzy for Quarantine. I'm doing some more guest blogs this month, though, and I'll be giving away several copies of the book as prizes in various places. Want to know when and where? Just join my Yahoo group, Lisabet's List and you'll hear about everything I'm up to!
Response to the book has generally been very positive. In fact I've had several readers contact me, clamoring for a sequel. I'll see what I can do!
You never forget the feel of the whip...
Rachel Kramer Bussel's anthology Anything for You: Erotica for Kinky Couples was released just a few days ago. It includes my contribution Like Riding a Bicycle, a sexy BDSM story about a couple getting back to their kinky roots.
And while we're talking about dominance and submission, Coming Together is putting together a collection of BDSM tales entitled Coming Together: With a Twist. Alessia Brio has designed yet another fantastic cover, as you can see above. I think the book will be out by the end of August. Oh course, I have a story included...!
Bangkok Noir received a Five Kisses, Recommended Read review from Two Lips Reviews. "Bangkok Noir grabs you from the opening paragraph and doesn’t let you go until the fade-out." says Tim. Curious? Read an excerpt from the book here.
I've got the covers for both the Switch anthology and the stand-alone release of my novella Mastering Maya. For the latter, see my Coming Soon page. But actually, I think I like the antho cover even better! What do you think?
Switch Cover
Other News
Cat Toy is back! You'll find Chapter 5 on my free reading page.
And speaking of free stories, have you checked out my Hot Shot On the Beach, in the Total-E-Bound August newsletter? For another hot BDSM ménage featuring Bella, Greg and James, just click here.
At the Erotica Readers & Writers Association, my latest column in my Erotogeek series is entitled "I Want to Be Alone: Safeguarding Your Identity, Your Privacy and Your Sanity in the Digital Age". Check it out. You might find some useful pointers.
Congratulations to Chris, the winner of my July "Promo Suggestion" contest. And thanks to all who entered for your feedback.
I think my readers are getting giveaway fatigue. Or maybe the relatively poor response to my recent contests just has to do with summer. Anyway, this month I thought I'd try something different. I'm having a Custom Story Contest. The prize is a story that I'll write, especially for you, with the characters, subject and genre of your choice!
To enter, just send me an email to contest - at -, using the subject line "Custom Story Contest". In the email, tell me about your ideal story: plot, protagonists, setting, desired heat level, and so on. You can go into as much or as little detail as you like.
Around the middle of September I'll randomly pick one entry and write a short story to your specifications! The story will be between 3000 and 5000 words long (so please don't give me enough detail for an entire novel LOL!) and will be dedicated to you. You'll be the first person on the planet to read it. (However, I'll still own the copyright and reserve the right to publish it elsewhere.)
Sound like fun? Start thinking about just what you'd like to see in your custom story!
Lisabet's Pick of the Month
My pick of the month for August is M/M author Sage Marlowe's blog. Recently she had a wonderful post about the similarities between coming out as a gay person, and revealing the fact that you write erotic fiction. While you're browsing around, you might want to check out Sage's website, too. Tell her Lisabet sent you LOL!

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