
Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm Award Winning!

Just got the news that D.L. King's steam punk erotica collection Carnal Machines won the gold medal in the erotica category of the Independent Publisher 2012 book awards. This is a HUGE honor - a competition judged by professionals, not a popularity contest like some awards.  An absolutely sensational collection, Carnal Machines includes my story, "Her Own Devices".

Here's the blurb for my tale.

Lin Xiao Chung, lovely slave of Hong Kong whoremaster Fang Wu, pays a midnight visit to the infamous Christopher Burton, legendary entrepreneur, explorer, inventor and rake. Since fleeing England in disgrace, Burton has set himself up in the brothel business, using his engineering genius to create sex machines that threaten Fang Fu's business empire. Lin's mission is to thwart Burton - any way she can. But Christopher Burton has more than one trick up his sleeve and Lin soon finds that the foreign devil has salacious secrets she never expected.

Want an excerpt? Just click here!  And to buy your own copy? Go to Amazon or your favorite local bookstore.

In addition to my story, the book includes fantastic contributions by authors you'll recognize, as well as incredibly talented newcomers. Check it out today!

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