
Friday, June 28, 2024

Writing what you know – #Suspense #WomanInPeril #DamagedHeroine @AlexanderLyndi

Florida crossroads

By Alana Lorens (Guest Blogger)

Thank you for hosting me, Lisabet!

I’m really excited to announce the release of CRUEL CHARADE, which comes out from The Wild Rose Press on July 10. They say to write what you know, and I know the life of an attorney practicing in Miami, Florida, because I did it for several years. Miami is a beautiful city, tropical and musical and full of fun things to eat and do. Back in the mid-90s, it was also home to a lot of crime and under-the-table dealings that were worth a lot of money. A LOT.

Bet Lenard, the sassy, damaged heroine in this story, has and is still going through a lot, not the least of which is some severe chronic pain that doctors haven’t been able to diagnose. In fact, they think at the beginning that she’s making it up, perhaps drug-seeking? “All in your head.” Sounding familiar to anyone? It sure is familiar to me. Poor Bet.

Eventually, they call it fibrositis (what they now call fibromyalgia), and send her home with over-the-counter pain meds. But for Bet, working in a high-stress environment, married to her law partner, raising two kids, this isn’t going to do it for her. She turns to alcohol to dull the pain. And there begins the tragedy.


Miami attorney Bet Lenard has had a rough year. She’s battling an unknown illness that drives her to drink to cope with her pain. Her lawyer husband has divorced her and taken the best part of their business, their home and their children.

On the night of May 16, 1996, Bet finds herself in the Everglades in the middle of the night, drugged, lost and next to a burned car with a dead body in it. Hoping she’s hit bottom, Bet must drag herself out of her living hell and discover who tried to kill her. Was it her ex-husband, not satisfied with stealing everything that mattered? An angry client, unhappy with the outcome of their case? Her best friend’s husband, livid that Bet’s restraining order kicked him out of her life forever? Police officers fuming that Bet helped a client convict a dirty cop who was their friend? She has no idea.

As she tries to sort out the motives behind her would-be killer, even more suspects come to light. The only thing keeping Bet sane is her relationship with her therapist, who encourages her to struggle and survive, despite everything that’s gone wrong. How will Bet discover the truth and bring her enemy to justice before they strike again and, this time, succeed?

Cruel Charade book cover


What is Richard up to? He doesn’t want to cause a scene. He’s waiting until we get inside. Do I need to have my mace in hand?

But he closed the door once Bet was comfortably seated and went around to get in the driver’s side. Once he fastened his seat belt, he started the car and eased it out of the lot, heading toward the Palmetto Expressway.

She laid her head back, suddenly tired, though she didn’t close her eyes. He wouldn’t get physical, that was a given. It wasn’t his way. He’d rather slice and tear with words.

That was never my way. But I’m certainly learning how from a diamond-sharp teacher.

He didn’t speak until they were on the freeway. “Did you see who took our card, Bettina? Miguel Corrado. You know who that is?”


Richard’s voice warmed with enthusiasm. “In Palm Beach they call him El Rey Escorpión. The Scorpion King. He’s rumored to have ties in every port from here to Havana. Smuggles products from marijuana to cocaine to genuine Castro cigars.” He pulled a well-wrapped cigar from his pocket. “You know what this is worth on the black market?”

Really? That’s what you’re going to talk about? Cocaine? Cigars? She sighed, confused and a little hurt. “I really don’t, Richard.”

Twenty-five dollars.” He beamed. His eyes sparkled and his teeth shone white, illuminated by the passing freeway lights. “He’s got our card. If he brings us his business, we’ll increase revenue by $200,000 a year.”

That’s great.” It was great, actually. With a second child to put through college, they were going to need all the money they could make. “Good job, Richard.”

Yeah.” He continued driving, his focus on the road. When he rounded the bend and headed south on 826, he said, “I know I neglected you, after I asked you to come out with me. It was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

She glanced over at him, not expecting the real sincerity in his voice.

I’m always worried about providing for this family. I saw an opportunity and grabbed it.” He patted her leg. “I’m glad you got to dance.”

You’re not…mad?” Maybe it’s the contact high from the weed in the club. Or I’m going crazy?

Of course not. After all, you came home with me, right?” He laughed. “Nothing wrong with having a little fun out in the world, is there? You have your fun, then you come home. Where you belong.”

He reached for the radio controls and hit the button for the local pop station. Some bubble-gum song came on and ended the need for further talk.

You have your fun, then you come home. Were those words an exhortation to send her looking elsewhere for entertainment? Or did they mean more than that?

About the Author

Alana and Charlie

Alana Lorens (aka Barbara Mountjoy) has been a published writer for over 45 years, including seven years as a reporter/editor at the South Dade News Leader in Homestead, Florida, after working as a server, a pizza maker, and a floral designer. She writes non-fiction, romance, adventure, and suspense novels. She is the author of the Pittsburgh Lady Lawyers series, which draws on her years as a family law attorney in the state of Pennsylvania. One of the causes close to her heart came from those years as well–the fight against domestic violence. She volunteered for many years at women’s shelters and provided free legal services to women and children in need. Alana resides in North Carolina, and she loves her time in the smoky blue mountains. She lives with her daughter, who is the youngest of her seven children, and she is ruled by three crotchety old cats, and six kittens of various ages.

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1 comment:

Babs Mountjoy said...

Thanks for having me!!!

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