
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

When love is forbidden – #MFRWHooks #LGBTQ #PrideMonth #99cents

The H-Gene cover

Welcome to this week’s MFRW Book Hooks blog hop! Today, in honor of Pride Month, I’m highlighting my MM sci fi erotic romance The H-Gene. The book is on sale for only 99 cents at Smashwords, BN and Kobo, as part of my Celebrate Pride event. And every comment on this post (or any other post on my blog this month) counts as an entry toward my Pride Month giveaway. (See yesterday’s post for details!)


When love is forbidden, the whole world’s a prison.

Dylan Moore will do anything for freedom. Seven years ago, a gay plague spread to heterosexuals, killing millions and sparking brutal anti-gay riots. The Guardians rounded up men who tested positive for the homogene and imprisoned them in remote quarantine centers like desolate Camp Malheur. Since then, Dylan has hacked the camp's security systems and hoarded spare bits of electronics, seeking some way to escape. He has concluded the human guards are the only weakness in the facility's defenses.

Camp guard Rafe Cowell is H-negative. He figures the lust he feels watching prisoner 3218 masturbate on the surveillance cameras must be due to his loneliness and isolation. When he finally meets the young queer, he discovers that Dylan is brilliant, brave, sexy as hell — and claims to be in love with Rafe. Despite his qualms, Rafe finds he can't resist the other man's charm. By the time Dylan asks for his help in escaping, Rafe cares too much for Dylan to refuse.

Dylan's plan goes awry and Rafe comes to his rescue. Soon they're both fugitives, fleeing from militant survivalists, murderous androids, homophobic ideologues and a powerful man who wants Dylan as his sexual toy. Hiding in the Plague-ravaged city of Sanfran, Dylan and Rafe learn there's far more than their own safety at stake. Can they help prevent the deaths of millions more people? And can Rafe trust the love of a man who deliberately seduced him in order to escape from quarantine?

The Hook

The fact was, no one really knew who the Guardians were. At the height of the Plague, thousands had been dying daily. The streets stank from the smoke of burning bodies and torched buildings. Crazed mobs had roamed the cities, looking for the “carriers” they blamed for the death of their loved ones. The fact that gays had been dying twice as fast as straights hadn’t stopped them.

Then the Robbies had marched in, a small army, with Tasers and tear gas. At first, some people had screamed about an alien invasion. Within hours, the messages began coming from “the Guardians of American Greatness”, urging people to be calm, promising to contain the scourge of the perverts. Gradually, the chaos had subsided.

Dylan vividly remembered being dragged to the testing center by a pair of robots. They’d smashed in the door of the Castro District apartment he’d shared with his lover. Miguel’s body had been sprawled on their bed, his coffee-colored skin riddled with the oozing sores that were the Plague’s mark. Dylan had been crouched on the floor, crying and rocking back and forth, while explosions shook the building and sirens wailed.

He hadn’t put up any fight. What would have been the use? Miguel was dead. The world was in flames. He’d been seventeen.

But he was ready to fight now. He’d do whatever was necessary to get out of this hell.

A full length MM erotic romance novel, only 99 cents at the following booksellers:


Barnes and Noble


Be sure to visit the other authors joining in today’s hop!


Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

I can't help but think of the way people were treated at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, including kids. The bullying that Ryan White and his family were subjected to was unconscionable.
I had to chuckle at "The Guardians of American Greatness." I saw a bit of recent blather from the Head MAGAt where he referred to himself in third person, bragging about how low gas prices were under pResident tRump. Some things never change.
Your book is included in this week's Roost Recommendations, featuring a link to this post, a buy link, and a blurb. I share the Roost Recommendations posts on Twitter with readers looking for their next read.

Anonymous said...

I've been curious about this one!

Trix, vitajex at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Anyone who isn't rooting for Dylan after all he's suffered is made a stone.

bn100 said...

was interesting
bn100candg at hotmail dot com

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