
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

And the winner is.... #LustyMonthOfMay #PrideMonth #Giveaway

Celebrate Pride banner

Greetings! Today is the first day of June. Alas, the Lusty Month of May is over, but it was fun, wasn’t it?

So much fun, in fact, that I’ve decided to do a similar event for June. Before I tell you about that, though, I have to announce the winner of my Lusty Month of May giveaway.

Congratulations to Maggie Blackbird, who has won a $25 book store gift certificate!

Thanks to all of you who came by so regularly and commented so frequently. I really appreciate your participation!

Meanwhile, this month I’m hosting a Pride Month event here at the blog. Once again, I’ve dropped the prices of several of my books to only 99 cents at Smashwords, Kobo and BN. Just like last month, I’ll be having special guests who specialize in #LGBTQ stories. And I’m doing another giveaway, along the same lines as this month, but to spread the happiness around, for June I’ll draw three winners. First prize is a $15 gift certificate. Second prize is a $10 gift certificate. And third prize is your choice of any two of my indie-published titles.

How can you enter? Just visit my blog regularly and leave comments. Also, anyone who joins my VIP mailing list (new members only please) gets five entries. And if you’re already on my mailing list, convince a friend to join and you’ll both get five entries!

Oh, and if you like lesbian or gay fiction, check out my discounted books this month:

The Witches of Gloucester (FFF erotic fantasy) – normally $2.99


Barnes & Noble:


The H-Gene (MM science fiction erotic romance) – normally $4.99


Barnes and Noble


Both are on sale throughout June for only 99 cents!


Debby said...

This should be fun.
Debby236 @

Colleen C. said...

Wow its June already! Happy June!

Annette said...

Happy June! UnluckyThimble at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Maggie!

Trix, vitajex at aol dot com

bn100 said...

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

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