
Friday, May 7, 2021

Sneak Peek: Splendificent Bikini Carwash by Dacy Alex - #FreeBook #UrbanFantasy #LustyMonthOfMay

Bikini Carwash cover

Today as part of my continuing celebration of the lustiest month, I’m pleased to feature a bit from my friend Dacy’s newest erotic urban fantasy romp. It’s available exclusively from Smashwords, and it’s entirely free!


Never underestimate the power of bikinis!

When a magically-challenged elven princess tumbles through a portal she’s mistakenly opened, it’s up to New York City’s very own Hot Squad to save her from a hellish mirror earth. The five ass-kicking coeds take time out from their busy schedule of stomping ninjas, decapitating demons, and wasting werewolves to organize a bikini car wash on faraway Long Island. The Squad’s not out for the cash. They hope a slew of car mirrors will allow them to bounce the hapless Princess Maggie out of her mirror prison and back to earth.

Nevertheless, as their auto-enhancing antics leave them soapy and dripping, the babes can’t resist a little friendly competition. Which bodacious, barely clad beauty will get the most tips? Who among the hotties can best handle the full-throttle poundings? The Hot Squad lives in the fast lane and with their friend’s life on the line and tons of cars – and guys - to service, they’re in for a hell of a ride!


In an ill-advised act of responsibility, Dusty took it upon herself to design the roadside sign. She stood next to a crude stick figure drawing with giant breasts and a box with wheels

Fleur turned from Dusty with her double d’s pouring out a pink bikini, cowgirl hat, and majestic bottom hugging a thin strip of fabric to the sign.

Ugh, what’s that?” Fleur questioned

It’s our sign. I done made it easily accessible to our audience.”

Yeah, if our audience eats crayons. Which reminds me…I’m hungry. Ugh, never mind that. Five barely legal girls, and your 2nd grade sign definitely doesn’t look suspicious.

A bikini that looked more like cocktail napkins connected by string contained Fleur’s shredded physique. Her firm breasts defied gravity, and her rock hard ass swallowed up her slutty thong.

This here sign is at least 4th grade level,” Dusty countered.

Sofi strutted to the front of the shop in utter babenificence. She took creative liberties with the bikini portion of the car wash; a pair of blue booty shorts struggled to hold her giant ass, while a cut off top exposed most of her moneymakers and her sharp nipples.

You girls are hopeless without Sofi Time! I just went on live and did a story and Snapped and all told my totally legit non paid for followers what’s going down.” Sofi held her phone aloft for a group shot and beamed, “Say Link In Bio!”

Link In Bio!” Dusty shouted. Fleur only grumbled about food.

Fleur learned a valuable lesson about the reach of Sofi’s influence because within moments, a grey Camry hurried into the car wash like it was escaping a horde of zombies.

The main character arrives!” Giselle shouted, jostling a bucket of water that was much too heavy for her. Her bikini was a crisscrossing one with a black and yellow pattern, whose top didn’t do anything to stop her nipples from poking through.

Upon witnessing Giselle nearly trip over her untied shoelaces, Rhonda asked Dusty, “Did you pick up a kid from one of those special schools?”

Sometimes, I gotta wonder…”

If you like this, check out Dacy’s Splendificent series:

Lusted over by men, hunted by demons!

California girl Giselle Nyfall is a lovable, kultzy, dorky, wannabe cool college freshman who arrives in the Big Apple to attend Hemera University. Instead of a higher education she finds herself in a dangerous situation when a computer glitch lands her in an Upper East Side penthouse for extraordinary young women. And her sexy new roomies aren’t your ordinary college girls. One is an elf princess with a love for skating and the art of war, the other a B.B. gun toting fairy exiled to the human world for being too violent by her mother — the Tooth Fairy —, a social media obsessed shapeshifter, and finally, a vampire succubus demon with a big gambling problem.

Together they uncover a curse which threatens New York's elite and endangers the Big Apple with a demonic invasion from the deepest levels of hell. The only cure that can save the Big Apple in this splendidly magnificent tale is…Giselle and her Hot Squad!

Warning: Splendificent is a raunchy, wild comedy intended for mature readers only!

And remember – every comment counts as an entry in my Lusty Month of May giveaway. Prize is a $25 gift voucher. Join my email list and you get five entries!


bn100 said...

interesting post
bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Love the originality!

vitajex at aol dot com

Fiona McGier said...

I love this series! These gals remind me of myself at a much younger age--of course, without the whole magic/slaying part. LOL.

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