
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Monogamy Rocks!

By Rose Caraway (Guest Blogger)

I recently went on stage for my very first Bawdy Storytelling: Sapiosexual event, in front of three hundred people—give or take—and ever since then, I have been really thinking introspectively. On the stage I told people that I am a monogamous wife of twenty years, a mother of three, and I’ve only had sex with one man. As I expected, that little confession blew a few minds. I went on to explain that my fantastically driven brain sort of compensates for the lack of sexual partners. I don’t like how that word sounds...compensates…but, then again, maybe that is what is happening. In basic terms.

Ever since my husband and I started podcasting, The Kiss Me Quick’s Erotica Podcast and, The Sexy Librarian’s Blog-cast, we’ve really come into ourselves. We’ve always been sexual people, like most other folks in this world. But before our journey into this new form of exhibitionism, we’d never been able to communicate the way we wanted to or needed to, beforehand.

When I first sat down to read my Books and Boners, the very first episode for The Kiss Me Quick’s podcast, I was terrified. Not only was I reading a story for the world to listen to—and honestly hoping that they’d enjoy it, but I was, for the very first time in my life, putting my private words and fantasy out there for public consumption. My husband and I don’t live an “outrageously kinky” lifestyle—except that we kind of do. I know that sounds funny, but being monogamous and the fact that I’ve only had sex with one guy, doesn’t make me vanilla or boring. Truth be told, I could sell tickets to the show that plays inside my brain on a regular basis. I am: gay, lesbian, bi sexual, androgynous, male, alien, seriously perverted and sometimes unapologetically violent, and everything else in between—inside my head. And that is a freeing experience that truly satisfies me.

So, back to the stage performance. There is this thing that happens to erotica writers. Many readers expect that the scenarios written are based on actual fact. That just isn’t true. But we do research—a lot.

As I stood there, the lights preventing me from seeing anyone beyond the first two rows, sweat running down my back, I told the audience of my very first—preciously kept secret fantasy, how debaucherous it was regarding a certain apple, and how writing about that particular fantasy brought it to life between me and my husband. The audience clapped, laughed and roared at my reveal. When I stepped off that stage and headed to the bar for a much needed drink, people approached me in small droves to tell me they were so glad that I spoke for monogamy so proudly. One after the other, my story of Conan the Barbarian and Grace Jones as it pertained to my husband and myself really spoke to these people. Like they had been waiting for someone to step up there and say, ‘Hey! Monogamy rocks!’.

Raising three kids while writing/narrating erotica for a living has its challenges. I can’t tell everyone about it and sometimes it makes me sad. There are so many wonderful adventures happening inside my head and in my life that I want to just sit with my friends and family and tell them all about it. The reality is, I simply can’t. The minute the word cock or pussy trips from my mouth, people get squicked. Maybe it is because they are worried that the sex they are having isn’t as good as they imagine mine is. Which is crazy, because there have been plenty of days where I’ve just needed to fuck and there was no thinking—only the physical need to orgasm. Or maybe some people think it’s silly that my mind works the way it does. In which case, I’d like to tell them, ‘Hey, it works, man.’

On the flipside, doing two podcasts which virtually discuss sex in all its permutations and levels of variety—from the silly and lighthearted to the excruciatingly dark and dangerous, it is easier than I thought it would be, to be so open-minded. My husband and I, we’ve never been closer—on the same page mentally or sexually. We’ve never been this honest with each other or able to talk so frankly. Before podcasting, we were afraid of hurting the others feelings, even scaring them. And with our kids…there isn’t anything we won’t discuss. No topic that is taboo. We certainly aren’t perfect, we don’t know all the answers, but we don’t shy away from conversations revolving around sex and feelings and curiosities. It’s funny, my goal with the KMQ podcast was to get people comfortable with their sexuality, when in fact, it has done that very thing for me and my husband and as a result, our three kids. They don’t listen to the show, of course, because of its “explicit content”, but each, in our own way are leaning to not be afraid or ashamed of sex or our bodies. I don’t censor my brain when it comes to writing erotic fiction, and I don’t want society’s censorships to rule my children’s future selves.

One of the other great things about podcasting, especially with my The Sexy Librarian’s Blog-cast, is that I actually get to talk to some really talented writers. Creative minds who are working toward the same goal of exploring and understanding—getting some kind of a hold on sexuality.
To say that sex is complicated is not only clichéd but it’s also true. It’s so layered and complex and yet it’s this real thing we all have in common, that we don’t talk about as much as we should. Sex, whether we are having it or not, is as important to discuss, as oxygen is to breath and water is to drink. Talking about it, whether as a result of reading it or listening to it, in its fictional form, can be a mini transcendent experience in and of itself, and helps to ease open the door to communicating. I have to chuckle because I didn’t see the effects it would have on me, even though I was the one initiating the thing.

I am most comfortable when I am with my husband. It is enough for me to have the freedom to create erotic fantasy within my mind. And, back to that whole ‘compensates’ thing, well, I don’t have to worry about being with someone else and feeling uncomfortable, or scared, or embarrassed or ashamed because I know my husband and he knows me. There is comfort in that simple fact. I like our relationship this way. It makes me feel strong, I don’t think I could get that from anyone else.

Being up on that stage brought out the desire in me to share with other monogamous and non-monogamous couples that our sexuality belongs to us. We should treasure it and respect it and feed it—keep it healthy. We shouldn’t jealously compare it to others, but stand together instead with supportive pride. In the end our sexuality is a shared experience even though it begins within us individually. When talked about openly and without shame, we become stronger, confident. As individuals. As partners. As parents. As humans. Monogamy doesn’t mean you can’t play like the rest.

You can find my podcasts here:

About Rose

ROSE CARAWAY ( is a native Northern California Writer, Editor, Narrator, and Podcaster on the hit shows “The Kiss Me Quick’s Erotica Podcast” and “The Sexy Librarian Blog-cast”. Rose is also a professional Narrator for several Audible #1 Bestselling Erotica Audiobooks, including her latest publication, “The Sexy Librarian’s Dirty 30 Vol.1”, and is the editor of the INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award Finalist and #1 bestselling, “The Sexy Librarian’s Big Book of Erotica”. Although her specialty is erotic fiction, she also has a passion for writing suspense, horror, fantasy, and romance. Some of her influences include Stephen King, Dan Savage, Jean M. Auel, Mia Martina, and Anne Rice.

Rose’s writings prominently showcase her sex-positive approach to life, as well as her commitment to both feminism and masculinism. Being a staunch supporter of the LGBT community, she believes that people of all genders and orientations should be considered complementary and interdependent and are necessary for a truly healthy and functional society. In addition to writing, Rose’s other passions revolve around keeping an active lifestyle, and a deep love of music and its many incarnations. She is immersed in the martial arts and has earned a Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. She also studies and practices, Brazilian Jujitsu, Krav Maga, and Mixed Martial Arts.

E-mail:  thekissmequick [at] gmail [dot] com
Twitter:  @RoseCaraway

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lisabet's September News

Autumn couple

Oh dear! I haven't done a new newsletter since June! I've been really busy with non-writing business issues, doing a lot of traveling for my real world job. Of course that's no reason to neglect you, is it?

New and Upcoming Releases


I've had relatively little time to write over the past few months. Of course, given all my releases in May, I suppose I've earned a bit of a breather. In any case, this month saw the release of my science fiction erotica short The Antidote. Warning: this is not one of my softer, more romantic works. It's quite graphic, but has a message too.

In terms of upcoming releases, I have a story in Lynn Townsend's altruistic erotica collection Coming Together: Strange Shifters, which is scheduled for release around Halloween. And speaking of Halloween, I'm working on a brand new tale to celebrate, an erotic horror piece entitled Reanimated. Stay tuned for more information.

Fourth World Cover
Meanwhile, if you are looking for suitable Halloween reading, let me recommend Fourth World, my new paranormal collection from Excessica. Ghosts, vampires, succubi — this collection of seven tales of myth and magic is just perfect for the season.

I've been busy editing and expanding my first two novels, Raw Silk and Incognito, for re-release by Totally Bound. Each will have at least one full new chapter added. Plus I get the chance to fix those nasty errors that creep into every book, especially when you're a novice writer. It's fun, but also a rather emotional experience to revisit these early tales.

I'm also continuing to work on my BDSM erotic romance novel The Gazillionaire and the Virgin. I have a tentative publication date of January, 2016. I don't know whether I'm going to make that or not.

Free Reading and Other News

Since I haven't done an update in a couple of months, I've added a lot of new material to my website. In the free reading section, you'll find my historical BDSM tale Communion. This is one of the first short stories I ever wrote. It captures the spirtual dimension of dominance and submission that so fascinates me.

For those of you who like poetry, I've also added a new poem called Hookup, in the tanka form. It's short but intense.

I've also added two new craft articles to my For Authors section, one about story structure and another about various approaches to writing a novel. Hopefully some of my author colleagues will find them useful.

One bit of news: I've signed up for a Twitter account. I am still trying to figure out how to make the most of this social media channel. I'm also not sure how to get readers to follow me! I have one hundred fifty followers already, but I think every single one is a fellow writer!

Tell you what—I'll bribe you! If you sign up to follow me on Twitter, I'll send you a free ebook, your choice of any of my Excessica or self-published titles. Just follow me (@lisabetsarai), then shoot me a tweet. Tell me what book you'd like (Exposure, Bangkok Noir, D&S Duos 1-4,Fourth World, The Antidote, or Slush) and where to send it. It's that simple!

I am also looking for people to join my reviewer street team. You can get free copies of any of my books, in return for posting a review on Goodreads, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble. Interested? Email me at lisabet [at] lisabetsarai [dot] com. Or send me a tweet!

Lisabet's Pick of the Month

My September pick of the month is Cara Sutra's erotic author spotlight series. The link here will go to my own spotlight, but she has a huge archive of features from other authors, each one with lots of juicy excerpts. While you're at Cara's site, you can also browse her other categories of content, including free erotica, sex toy reviews, industry news, and more!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sneak Peek: Eyes Wide Open by Lucy Felthouse

A standalone novel from the Totally Five Star imprint.

An ordinary girl catapulted into an extraordinary world meets two even more extraordinary men—but what will she do when she discovers their sexy secret?

Fiona Gillespie moved to London shortly after graduating to take advantage of the opportunities the capital could offer. However, months later, she’s still living in a horrid flat and working in a grimy East End pub. The problem is, she doesn’t really know what she wants to do, career-wise. So when she happens upon an advertisement for a job at a plush Mayfair hotel, she jumps at the chance. A great deal of determination and a spot of luck land Fiona her dream role.

But working at the Totally Five Star London is just the beginning. She adores the role and flourishes, impressing her bosses and making her increasingly determined to climb the career ladder.

While her career is flying, though, her love life is non-existent. She hasn’t even thought about men, never mind met or dated one for months, so when she bumps into two gorgeous businessmen in the hotel, she’s surprised to find her head has been well and truly turned. Even more surprisingly, they flirt with her—both of them! She’s drawn to James and Logan, despite feeling that they’re way out of her league.

When a misunderstanding leads Fiona to James and Logan’s sumptuous top-floor suite, she has no idea what she’s about to uncover. Scenes of people-trafficking, drug-pushing and wild sex parties all appear in her active imagination. Yet what she actually sees is something she’d never even considered before, something that piques her interest.

After discovering their sexy secret, what will she do with this new-found knowledge?

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of anal play, spanking, sex toys and bondage.


Continuing to surreptitiously peer at the men over the rim of her glass, it hit her that this was the first time in months that she’d looked at a man with interest, much less two men—and at the same time! But, ready to snatch her gaze away if one of them happened to glance at her, she realized that it wasn’t surprising that the pair had attracted her attention.

The tailored business suits would draw the eye even on an ugly guy. But on these two, the fine clothing was practically an orgasm for the gaze. They sat opposite each other, and their angle to her meant that she had a view of both their profiles—lucky her.

The one to her right had very dark, almost black hair, with a bit of a curl to it, a long straight nose, a trimmed goatee and, if she wasn’t mistaken, deep blue eyes. It was hard to tell for sure from this distance and perspective.

The one on her left had lighter, shorter hair, stubble that by some magical feat still looked smart, and the most sinful lips she’d ever set eyes on. And speaking of eyes, she thought perhaps his were green. What she wouldn’t give to go and check both of them out close up, preferably naked.

Shocked at her own sudden lustful thoughts, she inhaled more than drank another sip of the juice. Unfortunately, it hit her throat all wrong and she almost slammed the glass down as she started to cough. She tried so hard to suppress the cough, eager not to draw attention to herself, that she made it worse. 
Snatching up the thick linen serviette from the table, she held it to her mouth as she spluttered in a most embarrassing manner, and tears began to roll down her cheeks. By now, she was sure that the whole damn restaurant was staring at her, and she wished the tablecloths reached the floor, like the ones in the restaurant upstairs, so she could hide under the table until she regained her composure.

Swallowing repeatedly to try to soothe her irritated throat, she gasped as a gentle hand laid on her shoulder, which set her off all over again.

Oh God,” came a voice. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you jump. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. See if I could help.”

Unable to speak, Fiona waved a hand to try to signal that she’d be okay, but unless the guy was a mind reader, he’d have no luck figuring that out. Blinking through the tears that marred her vision, her urge to hide underneath the table grew stronger.
Christ, it was only the hottie with the blue eyes. And, if she wasn’t mistaken, his sexy friend with the green eyes was also hovering close by, concern etched into his handsome features.

Managing to drag in a breath, she huffed out, “Thank you.”
Just then, Jeremy arrived with a carafe of water, complete with ice, and poured her a glassful. “Here you go, Fiona. Drink this. Are you all right? Anything else I can get you?”

About Lucy

Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women's Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sunday Snog (#193) for Refugees

My Sunday Snog today comes from my short story “Refuge”, published in the altruistic anthology Coming Together: At Last. That anthology celebrates cross-race and cross-cultural desire, with proceeds supporting Amnesty International. The story is set in a refugee camp on the Thai-Myanmar border. The heroine Prean is a young woman from the Karen tribe, one of the many ethnic minorities who have been subject to brutal treatment in the past by the Myanmar government. The hero Nu is a Thai soldier, a guard at the camp. Nu is from a poor and marginalized region in the northeastern part of the country, subject to discrimination and abuse by his superiors. He’s drawn to help Prean despite the danger to his own safety.

Refuge” is a story of hope, of love and humanity in dark times and places. It seems particularly relevant now, as the world struggles to deal with the millions of refugees streaming out of Syria and neighboring regions. It’s enough to make one feel hopeless. What can one person do in the face of the suffering millions?

Whatever we can. So I will donate $1 to Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières or MSF) for each comment I receive on this post. MSF is actively working to help refugees in a variety of locations: in Greece, in Serbia, in France, and elsewhere as needs shift during this global emergency.

Please help. Read my snog and leave a comment. Share this post with your friends and family. Put it on Facebook. Tweet it. Make a donation of your own to MSF or another charity working with refugees.

People are not numbers. Every refugee has a story.

(Once you’re done with my snog, by the way, head back to Victoria’splace for more sexy Sunday kisses.)

I watched her body sway in front of me. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness. I could see her slender back, with its cloak of gleaming hair. I swallowed hard at the sight of her hips, their swell distorting the patterned fabric of her sarong. I was sweaty and nervous as she led me through the forests near the camp boundaries and up to higher ground. The aching lump in my groin made it difficult to walk.

The path opened into a grassy clearing. Moonlight poured in. To my left rose a steep wall of limestone. The plash of falling water reached my ears. Rivulets emerged from the cliff at several spots and tumbled into a mossy pool at its base, before spilling over and flowing down hill toward the camp. The cool breeze was rich with the scent of growing things, free of the fetid aromas of the caged humanity.

I took a deep breath. Prean stopped by the pool. She turned to me, her arms wide in invitation. I stood rooted in that magical spot, snared by her beauty.

Nu?” Her voice released me. I gathered her in my arms, burying my face in her fragrant locks. The soft flesh of her breasts pressed against my chest, sending a thrill through my limbs that settled in my groin. Amazed at my daring, I ran my palms over her cloth-wrapped hips, around to her buttocks, and pulled her body tight against mine.

She ground her pelvis against my swollen cock. I moaned, finding her lewdness shocking but irresistible. “Mmm,” she murmured. “I guess that you do like me, after all.” Before I could stop her (and only part of me wanted to), she had slipped her hand between us and unfastened my fly.

My rigid penis sprang into her hand, an arrow to its target. She stroked it delicately, like some fluttering bird that might escape. It swelled at her touch. As it hardened further, she started to squeeze, pumping rhythmically from base to tip as though she was milking a goat. She smeared the sensitive bulb with moisture leaking from the eye, and I nearly lost control. Meanwhile, with her other hand, she grabbed my head and pulled my lips to hers.

Her mouth was open from the first. Her kiss was bold, all tongue and teeth, honest in its need—the hot, hungry kiss of a woman starved for loving. I returned the kiss, as best I could, lost, dizzy with lust. My senses reeled. It was too much. The fever of her mouth, the cool silk of her fingers on my cock. Her scent, grass and smoke, salt and musk. Her taste, lemon and mint. I felt my balls contract and groaned, sure that I was about to embarrass myself by spurting all over her hand.

Prean knew. At the last moment, she released both my cock and my mouth. Her smile was full of mischief and understanding. Stepping away from me, she pulled her tunic over her head. Jet locks tumbled over her bare shoulders. I stared at her breasts, white and plump as little chicks with tips dark as tamarind pods. My palms ached to cup them, to feel them yield under my touch. She loosed the tucks holding the sarong around her hips. The fabric dropped to the ground, revealing her flat belly and winking navel, her pale thighs and shapely calves, and at the center of the universe, the tangled patch of black fur that hid her sex.

My cock twitched, eager for a taste. I was too shy to move.

Her scent was sharper now. She knelt and spread the sarong upon the grass, then lay on her side, watching me. “Please. Take off your clothes, Nu. I want you.”

Remember – every comment means a donation to MSF!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

An Interview with Nikko Lee

[Saturday's normally a guest day here at Beyond Romance. Today I've got something a bit different for you-- an interview with YA (and erotic) author Nikko Lee, conducted by my friend and colleague Jean Roberta. Enjoy! ~ Lisabet]

Hi, Jean. Thanks so much for the interview.

1) Can you tell me a little about your new novel?

WolfCreek is about a gay werewolf who finds strength in what makes him different. Josh finally gets the chance to escape his oppressive pack; but only if he finds it's next leader. As a rare omega werewolf, he alone can find an alpha strong enough to control New England's largest pack.

He teams up with an erratic Amazon in training and a disarming park ranger with a secret. They are no closer to finding a true alpha when a local is mauled to death. In retribution, the Amazons decide to kill Josh's entire pack.

2) Was it hard to switch from writing a sexually-explicit vampire novel to one for new adults?

Most of my published works have been sexually-explicit. I've found a comfy home in writing erotica. In some ways, it was a relief to not have to come up with new and exciting sexy scenes to fill a novel. I think it will be a bigger challenge in the sequel to Wolf Creek when Josh gets a boyfriend who has no problem letting Josh know just how irresistible a werewolf can be. It is a challenge to write sexually charged scenes with a delayed pay-off, but it makes that moment with bodies collide all that much more rewarding.

It was actually a challenge writing about werewolves instead of vampires because I'd been hooked on vampires for so long. I had to figure out a number of things like the mechanics of transformation and the rules of the pack. It was a lot of fun stepping into a whole new mythos.

3) How is your novel (and possibly other recent novels for new adults) different from the classics that used to be in every school library?

I'm still finding my way around the new adult genre. With the rise in popularity of young adult fiction, many adults are finding stories about young people making their way in the world and discovering themselves strike a chord. I don't think we ever stop looking for who we are and where we belong. That stage of separating from your parents and being on your own is such a big step but only the first in a lifelong journey. Admittedly, I haven't been in a high school library in a while so I'm not sure what's on the shelves now. Twenty-five years ago when I was in high school, we were reading Grapes of Wrath and Old Man and the Sea. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of literary gold in these classics. But at the time, their worth was completely lost on me. Those stories weren't what I was experiencing.

Now teens and young adults have a wide array of fiction to get lost in and relate to. The main characters are more relate-able because they are more diverse and go through more diverse and modern experiences. Diversity is something we need more of in all genres of fiction.

4) Has motherhood influenced your writing? If so, in what ways?

Pregnancy had a huge influence on my writing. I published several short stories last year, all with a maternity bent. It's a terrifying time, especially being my first pregnancy. I have an educational background in genetics and spend my work days looking at articles about developmental defects in mice. So I channelled all that worry and hope into my writing.

Ten months into motherhood, I've learned why baby monitors are so popular in horror movies. There is nothing scarier than the thought of hearing something unexpected coming from the monitor in the room where your sweet, defenceless baby is sleeping. Never mind walking up to their closed door or their near motionless and sleeping bodies.

Now as a mother, I read a lot of books with one sentence or even phrase per board page. I can't wait for my daughter to reach an age when she will want to participate in reading - other than by eating the pages.

I'm also very curious about how a fictional mother with an infant would handle any number of fictional challenges from a zombie apocalypse to finding a second chance at love.

5) What inspired your new novel?

Wolf Creek was inspired by a number of short stories and books I was reading at the time and a change in the overall acceptance of gay characters in fiction. The late Jay Lake's Torquing Vacuum made me realize that a gay main character could have adventures that didn't revolve around his or her sexuality. JR Ward's Lover at Last finally consummated a homosexual relationship between two characters that had been building for several novels earlier in the series. Patricia Brigg's Cry Wolf take on the importance of an omega wolf caught my imagination.

Before writing Wolf Creek, I had been writing with an erotic novella about two martial artists coming to terms with their sexuality and falling in love. While writing about the evolution of their sexual relationship and dealing with the consequences of their secret romance was enjoyable, I worried that the story was too much about one character coming out and that there wasn't enough external conflict.

So I kidnapped Josh from that story, made him a werewolf and introduced him to a sidekick character I loved from another trunked novel who made trouble where ever she went.

6) Is there anything else you would like to say?

I'd just like to invite people to check out Wolf Creek. I hope they will fall in love with these characters as much as I did. Although Wolf Creek has some romantic elements, it is more about Josh finding himself and his place in the world. If there is enough interest, I will get to write the sequel in which Josh finds love in a most unexpected foe turned friend who made an appearance in Wolf Creek.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Uncensored Innocence

Over the past couple of weeks I have been re-editing and revising my second novel, Incognito, for a new release. (I’ll be adding a new chapter soon.) One thing that has struck me about this book, originally published as erotica by Blue Moon in 2003, is how innocent it is.

If you’ve read the novel, you may be astonished by this comment. It’s one of the most explicit and transgressive things I’ve ever written. It includes almost every variety of sexual activity I can imagine (well, that I did imagine!)—bondage, spanking, flogging, age play, ménage (FFM and MFFM), femdom, lesbian and homoerotic activity, public sex, anonymous sex, even a double penetration on a billiard table. How can I call such a story “innocent”?

What I mean is that when I wrote the novel, I was innocent. Innocence implies a lack of knowledge, even ignorance. The word definitely describes me at that point in my career. I knew nothing about the constraints or conventions of genre. I had no notion that some types of sex were banned. (Of course, the rules might have been looser a decade ago.)

Incognito is unquestionably a romance, though I didn’t write it with that conscious intention. The story follows the core trajectory of that genre, chronicling the development of a loving relationship between my heroine Miranda and my hero Mark. The classic obstacle has to do with Miranda’s fear of loving sex, due to her early experiences. Over the course of the book, she conquers this fear. The novel has an unequivocally happy ending that even includes an engagement ring.

At the same time, the book breaks all the rules I’ve (since) learned about the expectations and preferences of romance readers. While Miranda is figuring out how she feels about Mark, she has all sorts of sexual adventures with other people—mostly strangers—women as well as men. I’d never dare write something like this for a romance audience now. They’d hate me and give me one star reviews. In fact, I’m sure my editors would censor such activities right out of existence. (They've done that with much less blatant examples in other books.) Back then , though, I wrote what turned me on and what fit my characters. Miranda represented certain aspects of myself. I’m bisexual, at least in theory. She put my theories into practice.

Then there’s the fact that the book includes sex between cousins (who pretend to be twins), and the sexual initiation of a seventeen year old male by his much older aunt. As I edited this (very hot) scene recently, I wondered whether I’d be forced to cut it. These days it’s eighteen or nothing, and anything even hinting of sex between family members is strictly verboten.

I gave away my virginity at the age of fifteen. I can’t pretend that teenagers are asexual beings. I supposed I could bump up the age of my hero by a year or two, but it wouldn’t have the same impact.

As I work my way through a book I wrote so long ago, I remember the thrill I felt creating it. I reveled in the freedom to expose and explore my fantasies. Miranda’s adventures go far beyond what I’d dared in real life. I blush now at the extreme quality of some scenes. At the time, though, I didn’t bat an eyelash. I found these scenes arousing. I didn’t doubt that my readers would, too.

The book is currently available at Totally Bound, and they’re going to re-release the new version. They’re a pretty traditional erotic romance publisher. I wouldn’t be surprised if they want me to cut or alter some of the more controversial scenes.

Writing this blog post has made me realize that I’m not going to do that. I won’t do violence to the original vision of the novel. If they won’t publish it in its current form, so be it. I’ll take it somewhere else.

Innocence is precious. I believe it should be cherished.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Sexy Vampires Revamped!

For the month of September Victoria Blisse is the Special Feature Author at Totally Bound. She has recently revamped all three of her Point Vamp books and the next in the series will be out on the 22nd September.

To celebrate these new editions, all the books have sexy new covers and each book has its own special offer. Until the 30th September you can pick up The Point, the first book of the Point Vamp series completely free of charge from Totally Bound.

Series Blurb

What is The Point? It is the hottest club in town for both Vampires and humans alike. It has a large dance floor and a bar like any other club but once you disappear behind the VIP only door you find out what makes The Point so unique. Sex, blood and lust all behind closed doors and only accessed by the chosen ones.

Now, you become a chosen one and get to see the sexy world behind that door.

Welcome to The Point.

The Point Blurb

Love conquers all, that is the point, but can it bridge the differences between a vampire and a woman?

Hugh is twenty eight. He has been twenty eight for nearly one hundred years. Hugh is a vampire. He owns a club called The Point and he pays girls to have sex with him. He then counts to ten as he sucks their blood to semi-satisfy his lust.

Elizabeth is a doctor; she loves her job but likes to escape into the countryside now and then. When she twists her ankle Hugh comes to her aid. He carries her curvy form all the way back to his home. He takes care of her ankle and the rest of her body too but he goes too far and sucks her perfectly intoxicating blood.

How can these two lovers have any kind of relationship? They don't know; only time will reveal the answers.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of blood shed.

Publisher's Note: This book has previously been published under the same title by Totally Bound. It has been expanded, revised and re-edited for re-release.

General Release Date: 1st September 2015

Pick up your free copy of The Point at Totally Bound now!

Excerpt (HOT!)

She gasped. His lips were as icy as his hands, and they were demanding. They undulated and coaxed the kiss from her lips. Her mind spun as her body reacted. She ran her hands ran up and down the front of his body. They skimmed under the heavy material of his jacket then traced his hard torso through the silken material of his shirt.

He pulled away suddenly. She almost fell, but he kept her steady, his hands braced around her waist.

Now, you need fastening.” He seemed shaken up too. He spoke quickly and his hands shook at her waist as he slipped behind her, sliding his hands around her to keep her steadied.

Yes, fastening, yes,” she said. She made no sense and realised it, but she could still feel the pressure of his lips against hers and her fingertips tingled. She was completely undone, and she didn’t mean just the corset.

You should feel a gentle constriction, Elizabeth. If it feels too tight, please tell me.”

She might have been mistaken, but she was sure Hugh’s hands shook as they tweaked and twiddled laces.

The two sides gradually started to shift farther around, and Elizabeth started to feel the constriction. As he pulled tighter, Hugh got closer until he stood behind her with his trouser front pressed into the flesh of her buttocks. She felt him through the thick material of his pants. He was hard, really hard. She pushed back her hips and was rewarded with a strangled, gasping groan. Now, she was sure of it. He was as aroused as she was.

Right,” he said. His hands rested on her hips. “I think you’re secure now. Stand up straight against me so I can check.” She pushed up and wobbled a little, but Hugh’s hands stopped her from tumbling over. “How does that feel?”

Okay,” she replied, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Not too tight.”

He ran his hands around her waist, until his hands cupped her breasts through the material.

Nothing bites or digs in?” His chin rested on her shoulder, and she knew he was looking down into her impressive cleavage.

No,” she said. Then he pressed his lips to her neck, and she moaned as her leg nearly buckled under her. “It feels remarkably good.”

That’s good,” he whispered. His lips leant on her flesh as if he were undecided what to do next. “It feels good.” He ran his fingers down her sides and to the very edge of the corset and traced along the border between skin and clothing. She shivered as his touch slipped lower and wondered what he was doing. She wanted to move his hand away, not because she wasn’t enjoying it but because she was afraid that he would be turned off by what he felt. She did nothing to stop him though. She was hypnotised by the gentle kisses on one spot of her exposed neck, and she let him run his fingers over her freely. He explored her hip and thigh. Smoothly, he moved inward, and she knew her flesh was slick as she was aroused to a level she had not experienced before.

He stroked down first. She was disappointed until the upsweep carried his fingers to the very edge of her pussy and his fingers curled and teased her pubic hairs.

Delicately, he pressed in, felt her swollen lips and insinuated his finger between them.

She couldn’t think. She knew that something about this was wrong, very wrong, and she shouldn’t be letting it happen, but as Hugh ran his fingertip over her clit, she forgot everything but the pleasure radiating up through her body. He played her like a professional. He knew just where to touch and how hard. He dipped his finger inside her, scooped up more of her fresh juice and trailed it back up to her clit to aid his exploration. As he rubbed, she moaned, blown away by the eroticism. Her body zinged with sexual pleasure in a way she had never dreamed existed. He was so in tune with what she needed that, within a matter of moments, she was quivering and panting. She was on the brink of the most outstanding orgasm of her life when she wobbled and put down her right foot. The pain exploded, and she yelped.

About Victoria

Victoria Blisse is a mother, wife, Christian, Manchester United fan and award winning erotica author.

She is also the editor of several Bigger Briefs collections, and the co-editor of the fabulous Smut Alfresco, Smut in the City and Smut by the Sea anthologies.

Victoria is also one of the brains behind the fabulous Smut events, days and nights dedicated to erotica, fun and prizes. Check out for more details.

She is equally at home behind a laptop or a cooker and she loves to create stories, poems, cakes and biscuits that make people happy. She was born near Manchester, England and her northern English quirkiness shows through in all of her stories.
Passion, love and laughter fill her works, just as they fill her busy life.

You can find often find Victoria procrastinating on Facebook , Twitter and Pinterest
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